G-GROUT UF-9 is professional grade material that used as crack injection grout powder. It has finer particle size. It is produced in well known manufacturing plant in a controlled environment resulting in consistent quality. It is manufactured by unique particle size distribution technique to enable finest particle size for application.
· Fixing ground anchors for sheet pile walls, concrete pile walls, retaining walls tunnels etc.
· Defects on building masonry or pavement.
· Filling the void between the lining and rock face in tunnel work.
· Injection grouting of joints in masonry structures, restoration of heritage structures, dams, etc.
· G-GROUT UF-9 can be injected with standard cement grouting equipment
· Compatible with most of the admixtures to accelerate / retard the setting time
· Supports all portions of structures
· Fill up the voids in concrete structure, control or prevent the structure from leakage or weak structures to strengthen
· Non-toxic, Non-Hazards
· Eco friendly
· Benefit in cost.
G-GROUT UF-9 when stored correctly has an indefinite shelf life. Like cement, it must be protected from contamination and moisture. The product can be stored in bulk in a clean, dry storage silo.
Extensive testing has shown G-GROUT UF-9 to be non-toxic and environmentally benign. No known significant health risks are associated with G-GROUT UF-9 but high concentrations of dust may cause irritation. It is recommended that suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection is worn. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advice.
G-GROUT UF-9 is available in Bulk Jumbo bags with plastic inner liner. The product is also available in 25kg plastic lined bags.